A Part of
Psychology & Peace 2018
March 8, 2018
University of Notre Dame
The Event
Paper-in-a-Day is an event to stimulate productive collaboration among early career researchers in psychology and peace. The two objectives of the day are (1) to complete a publishable scholarly project and (2) to lay the foundation for future collaborative work among the participants.
The projects accomplished during the Paper-in-a-Day event might include —
empirical research report based on an existing dataset
systematic literature review or meta-analysis
policy analysis paper
evidence-based amicus curiae brief or legislative hearing testimony
evidence-based intervention or training protocol
research proposal for grant funding
other research product for submission to a peer-reviewed program or publication
The work of the Paper-in-a-Day teams will be presented as symposia on the program of Psychology & Peace 2018. All participants must be registered for Psychology & Peace 2018 at University of Notre Dame, March 8-10. Student members of Division 48 who participate in Paper-in-a-Day will receive a $100 scholarship toward conference registration. A limited amount of additional travel scholarships will also be available.
Each Paper-in-a-Day team will be assigned a moderator to help the team organize itself. Participants will accomplish some work before and after the day of the event. On March 8, the day before Psychology & Peace 2018, the Paper-in-a-Day teams will meet at the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies on the campus of University of Notre Dame. Refreshments will be provided. Participants can make their own plans as a team for meals. There is no additional cost to participants.
Three types of researchers are invited to apply for the Paper-in-a-Day event —
Early career researchers — "Early career researchers" are persons who are currently between having completed their doctoral dissertation proposal and 5 years beyond receiving a doctoral degree.
Researchers with a viable dataset for analysis — Researchers with data will be asked to share their unanalyzed data with other members of the team and may serve as either participants or moderators of the team. Unless the researcher with data determines otherwise, the researcher with data will be the first author of any work produced by the team.
Moderators to facilitate a research team — Moderators should have experience as researchers and team leaders.
Persons who are interested in participating in Paper-in-a-Day, but who do not exactly fit the criteria described above, including pre-dissertation graduate students, are encouraged to apply with an explanation of their interests. Because there are limited number of spaces for participants, the Paper-in-a-Day planning committee will use its best judgment to choose participants and to assign them to teams.
Participant Commitment
The minimum commitments of a participant are as follows —
Devote a minimum of 8 hours to advance preparation during the three weeks prior to the Paper-in-a-Day event
Be present and engaged during the full day of the team workshop
Contribute to the final editing of the work following the workshop
Prepare and present a portion of the team's work in a symposium at Psychology & Peace 2018 (March 8 - 10) at a time to be determined.
Researchers with data are expected to provide the data in an Excel spreadsheet to members of the team one month prior to the Paper-in-a-Day event. The data should be accompanied by a full codebook and any other information necessary to use the data.
The moderators' commitment is (1) to facilitate the team so the team members maintain ownership of the process and the product, (2) contribute as a team member, and (3) with the consent of the team, arbitrate disputes that slow the team's progress toward completing the project. The moderator will continue to work with the team until the final product is submitted for peer-review. If the moderator is to be a co-author it is understood that her/she/they will be "last" author.
Each participant will be asked to sign an agreement —
to commit to the required preparation, attendance, and follow-up work as defined by the team
to adhere to the letter and spirit of APA ethics regarding research and relationships with colleagues
to present a portion of the team's work in a symposium for that purpose at Psychology & Peace 2018
to accept the team's decisions regarding work process and the order of attribution of authorship.
Applications will be submitted to the Psychology & Peace 2018 website beginning October 1, 2018. In addition to contact information applicants will be asked for a CV and statements their interests.
Pre-workday day activities
Participants will be assigned to a team. Each team will be assigned a topic based on shared interests of the members. Beginning three weeks prior to the workshop, participants will individually prepare with the guidance of the moderator, reading articles and drafting portions of the paper. Ideally, preparations prior to the conference lead to a first draft or outline so the team has a concrete, shared starting point for the day.
Paper-in-a-Day workday: 8:30 am – 5:30 pm
Introductions and getting started — The moderator helps the participants to reach consensus on work process, including expectations for members participation. After a reaching consensus on process has been made and following the team's process, the moderator will allocate tasks to subgroups and pairs of team members.
Working — The team can begin with discussions about the topic and the drafted portions prior to the meeting. Discussion might include the parameters of the project, questions on theoretical frameworks, design and analyses challenges, audience and implications of the research, ethical and considerations, etc. As needed the team can alternate between working as a whole team together and work in pairs/small subgroups drafting or preparing proposals for strategy.
Lunch together (suggestions for locations provided)
Concluding the day — Before departing the team should have:
specific plans and commitments regarding the form of the completed work and to what programs or publications it might be submitted
detailed plans and responsibilities for the symposium presentation of the team's work during the Psychology and Peace 2018 conference.
a timeline for completing and submitting the work for peer-review
assigned work assigned to individual team members with description of work and deadline for completion
all the day's work collated in a working draft and related documents
consensus on the tentative author attributions evaluation of the experience of the day
Post-workday activities
Conclude the project as agreed during the team's workday.
Thank you. Dr. Eva Alisic designed the original 'Paper in a Day' program for the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies in 2012.