Please join us or renew your membership!

If you are a member of the American Psychological Association…

Members of APA can join the Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence (Division 48: Peace Psychology) or renew their membership by logging in to their MyAPA membership profile and adding Division 48.

If you are not a member of APA…

One does not need to be a member of APA in order to join Division 48. To join or renew as a non-APA member, use the Join APA Divisions webpage.

Membership dues…

  • Dues for members, associates, and affiliates are $25 for the first year and $42 each following year.

  • Dues for students are $15. Students are encouraged to join the Student and Early Career listserv.

  • Dues for APA dues-exempt members are $15 per year if they wish to include a subscription to Peace & Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology.