Featured Speakers
McKenna Hall, site of Psychology & Peace 2018. Photo courtesy of University of Notre Dame
Three Ways that Rapid Global Warming Increases Violence
Craig A. Anderson, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor, Iowa State University
The Power of the Active Bystander: Preventing Genocide and Other Violence and Promoting Reconciliation
Ervin Staub, PhD
Professor of Psychology, emeritus, University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Using Research to Prevent School-Based Bullying: Creating Peaceful Schools and Communities
Dorothy L. Espelage, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology, University of Florida
Accomplishing Collaboration: Multidisciplinary Research in Peace Studies
Asher Kaufman, PhD
John M. Regan Jr. Director, Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame
On Whose Authority? Decolonizing Peacework
Kathryn Norsworthy, PhD
APA 2017 International Humanitarian Award recipient
The Past, Present, and Future of Peace Psychology: A Panel
Panel Members — Richard V. Wagner, PhD, Michael G. Wessells, PhD,
Daniel J. Christie, PhD, Fatali Moghaddam, PhD, Diane Bretherton, PhD; Linden Nelson, PhD, Chair.