APA Fellow Nominations
The Fellows Committee requests nominations for Fellow status in Division 48. There have not been any for a few years and it seems as if there are some outstanding scholars who may be deserving of that honor. The APA process depends heavily on self-nomination. That may lead individuals to hesitate. The committee's main concern is that qualified individuals not be overlooked. Therefore the committee is agreeable to 3rd party nominations. This is not a request simply to have more Fellows in the Division. It is a request to provide an avenue other than self-nomination for identifying qualified scholars.
If you know of someone that you think deserves Fellow status, please send along their name along with a reference to the nominee's work. The Committee will then pursue the matter and, if appropriate, contact the nominee for additional information. Send the nomination to Sheldon Levy.
The APA has appropriately rigorous requirements. There are two routes to Fellow status in Division 48. If the nominee is already a Fellow in a Division of APA, the review is primarily internal to the Division. If the nominee is not already an APA Fellow, there are more requirements, more steps, and more paperwork.