The Division of Peace Psychology, established within the American Psychological Association (APA) in 1990, is a growing organization consisting of psychologists, students, and professional affiliates from diverse disciplines. It is a young organization that welcomes professionals and students who wish to contribute to peace, whether they belong to APA or not.
In all of its activities, the division attempts to draw on the talents that exist in its members, those that exist in various divisions of the APA, in international professional organizations, and in related disciplines. The division is a young organization that welcomes professionals and students who wish to contribute to peace. It welcomes diverse international perspectives and ethnic and gender orientations to peace.
The purpose of the division is to increase and apply psychological knowledge in the pursuit of peace. Peace here is defined broadly to include both the absence of war and the creation of positive social conditions which minimize destructive conflicts and promote human well being.
The specific goals of Division 48 are:
- To encourage psychological research, education, and training on issues concerning peace, nonviolent conflict resolution, reconciliation, and the causes, consequences and prevention of war and other forms of destructive conflict;
- To provide an organization that fosters communication among researchers, teachers, and practitioners who are working on peace issues; and
- To apply the knowledge and the methods of psychology in the advancement of peace, non-violent conflict resolution, reconciliation, and the prevention of war and other forms of destructive conflict.
Our Vision Statement
Under the leadership of Susie McKay, president during 1995-96, the following Division 48 vision statement was developed:
"As peace psychologists, our vision is the development of sustainable societies through the prevention of destructive conflict and violence, the amelioration of its consequences, the empowerment of individuals, and the building of cultures of peace and global community."
Why join the Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence?
The Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence serves as a ‘professional home’ to an exciting community of researchers, policy makers, educators, and practitioners who are shaping the field of peace psychology.
The Society functions as Division 48,Peace Psychology, of the American Psychological Association (APA). However, it is not necessary to belong to the APA in order to be a member of the Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence.
Membership Benefits Membership benefits include:
Subscription to our journal Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology,
Subscription to our newsletter Peace Psychology,
Participation on our listservs to meet and network with other peace psychology advocates.
Dues Member and Affiliate dues are $42 (First year $25).
Student dues are $15.
Dues for APA dues exempt members are $15 with journal subscription.